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Sex Offenses/Rape

If you are charged with or even suspect that you are being investigated for a sex crime, including rape, child molestation or lewd acts, you must immediately contact a criminal defense attorney who is well trained in handling sex crimes. Before speaking to the police, contact Jacob Zamora, Esq., for a free consultation and case evaluation.  Know your Constitutional Rights before speaking to the police.

Exercise Your Constitutional Right To Remain Silent

In the event you are contacted by the police, do not speak with them, do not make any statements to anyone, and invoke your right to remain silent and to have an attorney present during any questioning or interrogation. There is nothing you can say or do to stop the investigation and anything you say will be used against you in the prosecution of the case. Speaking to the police will only make your situation worse.

A conviction for a sex offense will have devastating and long-term effects, including possible registration as a sex offender.

If you are convicted of certain sex-related offenses you will be required to register as a sex offender pursuant to California Penal Code § 290. You will have to register for the rest of your life unless legally relieved of the requirement.

As a registered sex offender, you are required to update your registration information each year, within five working days of your birthday. If you fail to register as required by law you can and, in most cases, will be charged with a new criminal offense. Registration as a sex offender can be complicated and can include many other requirements and limitations, including exclusion from your child’s school. You may also appear on a sex offender website. Listing on a sex offender website is dependent on the type of sex crime for which you were convicted.

In addition to the registration requirements, the penalties for a sex-related offense can be severe. Some sex-related offenses are considered “one strike” offenses. This means that if you are convicted under one or more of the circumstances specified in California Penal Code § 667.61 you will be facing a life sentence.

Even if your case is not subject to California Penal Code § 667.61, in almost every other case, a sex charge will be considered a serious felony, a violent felony or both under California Three Strikes Law. A conviction for a violent felony will have both immediate and long-term effects. A conviction for a serious felony may have significant implications for any future felony convictions, including increased punishment.

Rape, spousal rape, lewd or lascivious acts, sodomy, oral copulation and continuous sexual abuse of a child are just a few of the sexual offenses that the prosecuting agency can charge. These charges are serious and can lead to a lengthy prison sentence if not addressed by an experienced criminal defense attorney.

Contact Criminal Law Attorney Jacob Zamora

No matter the circumstances surrounding your case, it is imperative that you seek the counsel of a competent, experienced criminal defense attorney. To set up a consultation to discuss your situation, fill out our online contact form.

Northern California | Sex Offenses/Rape | Criminal Defense Attorney Jacob Zamora, Esq.